Filing A Complaint with the OAIC
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PERSONTHING your representative
STRING the name of the representative
PROMPT What is the full name of person or organisation that will be representing you in your complaint?
THING the respondent
STRING the name of the respondent
PROMPT What is the name of the agency or organisation that you are complaining about?
DATE the date of complaint
PROMPT What was the date of the complaint to the respondent (please enter in DD/MM/YYYY format)
DATE the date of the alternative complaint
PROMPT What was the date of the complaint to the other dispute resolution body? (please enter in DD/MM/YYYY format)
STRING your previous reference number
PROMPT Please provide your previous reference number (e.g. CP75/00001 or EN/00002)
STRING your representative relationship
PROMPT What is your representative's relationship with you (e.g. lawyer/client)
STRING the individuals involved
PROMPT What are the full names of the individuals involved (Please enter in a comma separated list)
STRING brief description of alternative complaint
PROMPT Please provide a brief description of your complaint to the other dispute resolution body and explain why it is, or is not, dealing with your complaint.
STRING the complaint explanation
PROMPT Please describe how you think your privacy has been interfered with. Include what happened, when it happened (with dates), what personal information was affected, who did it (and the names of any individuals, if known) and how and when you found out about it.
STRING the resolution explanation
PROMPT What action would you like the respondent to take to resolve your complaint?
STRING the supporting information
PROMPT Please include any supporting information that is relevant to your complaint. In particular, include any correspondence with the respondent regarding the privacy complaint.
DATE the date today
IF you have completed the pre-complaint quiz AND you receieved the answer 'We may investigate your complaint' from the pre-complaint quiz AND you accept that the OAIC may need to disclose your personal information to the respondent or other relevant parties THEN BEGIN
CALL Disclaimer
CALL Context
CALL Complainant details
CALL Representative details
CALL Respondent details
CALL Respondent action
CALL Alternative dispute body
CALL Complaint details
CALL Supporting information
CALL Signature
ELSE we are unfortunately unable to assist you
PARAGRAPH Disclaimer: This is purely for demonstrative purposes and should not be sent to the OAIC.
PARAGRAPH You may submit this document by email, post or fax to lodge a privacy complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).
DOCUMENT Complainant details PROVIDES
PARAGRAPH My name is <your full name>. I can be contacted at <your phone number> or <your email address>. My postal address is <your postal address>.
IF you have previously lodged a complaint or enquiry with the OAIC THEN
PARAGRAPH My previous reference number is <your previous reference number>.
DOCUMENT Representative details PROVIDES
IF you have elected someone to represent you in your complaint THEN
PARAGRAPH I have elected a representative to handle my complaint. My relationship with my representative is best described as: <your representative relationship>. Their name is <your representative>. They can be contacted at <your representative's phone number> or <your representative's email address>. Their postal address is <your representative's postal address>.
DOCUMENT Respondent details PROVIDES
PARAGRAPH I am filing a complaint about <the respondent>. They can be contacted at <the respondent's phone number> or <the respondent's email address>. Their postal address is <the respondent's postal address>.
IF the individuals from the respondent that are relevant to the complaint can be identified THEN
The individuals involved are: <the individuals involved>
DOCUMENT Respondent action PROVIDES
IF you have complained to the respondent about your privacy issue and given them 30 days to respond THEN
PARAGRAPH I have already complained to <the respondent> about my privacy issue and given them 30 days to respond. I complained on the <the date of complaint>.
PARAGRAPH I have not complained to <the respondent> about my privacy issue or given them 30 days to respond.
DOCUMENT Alternative dispute body PROVIDES
IF you have taken this complaint to another dispute resolution body THEN
PARAGRAPH I have also taken this complaint to <the name of the other dispute resolution body>. I complained to them on the <the date of the alternative complaint>.
IF you have taken this complaint to another dispute resolution body AND the dispute resolution body is dealing with your complaint THEN
PARAGRAPH <the name of the other dispute resolution body> is dealing with my complaint. This is a brief description of my complaint to the <the name of the other dispute resolution body>, and why they are dealing with my complaint: <brief description of alternative complaint>
ELSE IF you have taken this complaint to another dispute resolution body AND the dispute resolution body is not dealing with your complaint THEN
PARAGRAPH <the name of the other dispute resolution body> is not dealing with my complaint. This is a brief description of my complaint to the <the name of the other dispute resolution body>, and why they are not dealing with my complaint: <brief description of alternative complaint>
PARAGRAPH I have not taken this complaint to another dispute resolution body.
DOCUMENT Complaint details PROVIDES
PARAGRAPH I have included an explanation of my complaint, as follows: <the complaint explanation>
PARAGRAPH I would like <the respondent> to take these actions to resolve my complaint: <the resolution explanation>
DOCUMENT Supporting information PROVIDES
IF you have supporting information you would like to include THEN
PARAGRAPH I have also included supporting information, as follows: <the supporting information>
PARAGRAPH Signed <your full name>, dated <the date today in DD/MM/YYYY format>.