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Introducing the AustLII Papers
The AustLII Papers - commentary on free access to legal information, particularly where it relates to the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

Welcome to the AustLII Papers, commentary on free access to legal information, particularly where it relates to the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII). Most of the the commentary will be by the directors and staff of AustLII, with an occasional invited guest contributor.

We hope that the AustLII Papers will provide a great deal of valuable information for our users. One purpose will be to introduce new resources on AustLII and its associated international systems, as they are released. Another will be to feature key resources that users will benefit from knowing more about. We will also put our views on important policy issues affecting legal information, including restrictions on publication, monopolistic practices, and government policies on AI and regulation ('Law as Code' etc).

Australian Cyber Law Map
An annotated guide to Australian cyber-related legislation and case law

22 March 2021 | Graham Greenleaf, Philip Chung and Andrew Mowbray | Resource |

The Australian Cyber Law Map is an annotated guide to Australian cyber-related legislation and case law.

Open justice and free access to case law
Submission to NSW LRC consultation paper

21 March 2021 | Philip Chung, Graham Greenleaf and Andrew Mowbray | Policy | ,

This is a submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission consultation paper 22 on Open Justice.

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