Elder Abuse can be prevented by:
- seeking legal advice from qualified lawyers when doing Enduring Powers of Attorney (who can assist people to appoint trustworthy and honest Attorneys and include safeguards in the document);
- doing a Will (earlier rather than later) so that there can be no question of influence.
- seeking independent legal advice when giving loans / gifts or entering into family care arrangements and document the arrangements
- seeking independent legal advice when signing significant documents- (i.e. property Transfers);
- having regular engagement with friends, family and neighbours;
- staying socially connected and active in community groups; and
- finding an advocate.
You ca find an advocate by going to any of the following people, organisation or service:
- an Attorney
- ATACAS (ACT Disability, Aged, and Carer Advocacy Service)
- Centrelink financial services
- ACT Office for Women / Women’s Legal Centre / Canberra Community Law
- Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
- ACT Human Rights Commission
- Abuse Prevention Referral Line (APRIL)
- Legal Aid
- Police