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On Release


The Extended Throughcare program aims to support the successful reintegration of offenders after release from prison, thereby seeking to reduce re-offending. This program provides support to offenders returning to the community after their custodial sentence. Participation in the program is voluntary and available to offenders exiting the AMC with or without further supervision orders. The Throughcare Unit’s engagement with an offender commences pre-release and continues for a period of 12 months post-release with the support of community organisations. The program provides links to Centrelink, health, housing, outreach programs, drug and alcohol programs, as well as engaging the offender’s family in the process. The financial and social benefits of the program were evaluated in 2017.


ACT Housing provides services for individuals exiting the AMC and other corrections programs. These programs assist to ensure that individuals exiting prison receive adequate support and stable housing on release, thereby assisting their rehabilitation, and reducing homelessness.

Social Security for People Leaving Prison

Released detainees may be eligible for a one-off crisis payment from Centrelink. To be eligible for this payment, they must: have been in prison for 14 days or more, claim the payment within seven days of being released, be entitled to a Centrelink pension or benefit and be in ‘severe financial hardship.’ Released detainees can also be eligible for an advanced payment of their social security benefit. Detainees can make a claim for social security benefit payments up to three weeks before their release date, however the money will not be paid into their account until they are released.

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