The Correction Programs Unit facilitates programs at the AMC and the community corrections programs in Canberra. Additional programs are facilitated by internal and external service providers.
To commence any program, participants must have sufficient time on their order or sentence to successfully complete all sessions. Group program participant numbers range from four to eighteen, depending on resources, need, detainee (AMC) numbers and offender (community) members. Some programs are ongoing, with rolling entry, while others are scheduled on a non-ongoing basis, dependent upon identified areas of detainee need and staffing availability.
Offence-specific (criminogenic) programs target the range of factors that influence an individual’s criminal behaviour. They are only available to sentenced detainees and participants are individually assessed for eligibility by ACTCS staff.
Sex Offender Program Suite
This is a mix of closed-entry and rolling group modules. These programs focus specifically on sexual offenders and aim to help participants gain an understanding of their offending and required future behaviours.
Sex Offenders with a Learning or Intellectual Disability (SOLID)
rolling entry group-based therapeutic intervention for adult men convicted of sexual offences who have learning or intellectual disabilities and people with identified mental health disorders who are not suitable for the Sex Offender Program Suite.
Sex Offender Individual Counselling
Individual counselling is available for sex offenders who have been assessed as not suitable for the sex offender program in the community. This program is only delivered at Community Corrections.
STATIC-99 Risk Assessment
All offenders/detainees convicted of sexual offence(s) under supervision, sentence or during the preparation of a pre-sentence report or pre-release report are required to have a current STATIC-99R score.
Cognitive Self-change Program
A rolling entry cognitive behaviour therapy based program. The program teaches offenders how to change, by identifying risky thinking and replacing this with new thinking and developing accountability for choices.
Domestic Abuse Program
A closed-entry program that draws on a gendered understanding of violence and abuse within relationships and addresses these issues from the perspective of power and control.
Violence Intervention Program
A closed-entry program for detainees with an established history of violence. The program aims to reduce the detainee’s risk of repeat violence, by increasing their self-awareness, self-management, conflict resolution skills and better regulate affective responses and behavioural outcomes.
Offence-related programs offer support for remand and sentenced detainees who use Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD).
Program Liaison Specialist Officer
This offers community-based offenders with complex needs who require additional support specialised, individual assistance to engage with ACTCS and address outstanding identified treatment needs. It is available only at Community Corrections.
Harm Minimisation
Facilitated by Directions ACT, this is a closed-entry information education session to discuss ways to minimise harms associated with AOD use.
Alcohol and Drug Awareness and Harm Prevention Training (ADAPT)
A closed-entry psychoeducational group that promotes AOD awareness. Completion of this program is compulsory for detainees wishing to access Directions ACT support upon release.
First Steps Alcohol and Drug Program
A closed-entry drug educational program for detainees with offending behaviour relating to substance abuse.
Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) Program
A closed-entry psychoeducational program which assists participants with problematic behaviours, such as addictions to drugs, gambling and alcohol and other areas.
Solaris Therapeutic Community (TC)
Co-facilitated with Karralika Programs, this is a closed-entry residential program for male detainees who have AOD dependency issues.
Anger Management Program
A closed-entry cognitive behaviour program targeting the emotional and physiological components of anger and conflict resolution skills.
Stress Less Program
A closed-entry cognitive behaviour therapy psychoeducational programs, focussed on managing and reducing depression, anxiety and stress.
Wellbeing programs offer remand (unsentenced) and sentenced detainees the opportunity to attend mental health and personal development programs.
Circles of Security
Co-facilitated with child, youth and families workers from the Community Services Directorate, this closed-entry program is designed for men and women with active parenting roles and focuses on improving the developmental pathways of children and their parents.
Seasons for Growth
Facilitated by the AMC Chaplaincy Services, this is a psychoeducational program for people who have experienced significant change or loss. It examines the impact of these significant changes and explores how people can learn to live with and grow from these experiences.
Out of the Dark
A closed-entry program for women who have experienced domestic and family violence as victims. It assists participants to identify issues around domestic and family violence, as well as the options and support available.
Real Understanding of Self-Help (RUSH) Program
A closed-entry program to assist individuals who are vulnerable to suicidal and self-harming behaviour.