Based on the contribution of Faisal Bakhtiar, Rosalinda Casamento and Olympia Sarrinikolaou, Victoria Legal Aid, as amended by Genevieve Bolton, Executive Director/Principal Solicitor of Canberra Community Law and current to 30 April 2018
The Guide to Social Security Law published by Centrelink (which sets out the rules it follows in administering all income security programs) is available at
The Social Security Reporter, published electronically by the National Social Security Rights Network covers developments in social security law. It is available at
CCH publishes an up-to-date publication on social security law.
Each year, Centrelink produces up-to-date pamphlets on the pensions and benefits currently available and the rates at which they are paid.
For information about current payment rates, check the telephone directory or the Centrelink website (address below) and call the 13 number (for cost of a local call) relating to the payment you need information about.
The booklet, Guide to Australian Government Payments, and much other information on social security payments, is available on the Department of Human Services website at