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50 recent changes in ACTLawHbk Web retrieved at 08:43 (AEDT)

ACTLawHandbook in ACTLawHbk
Australian Capital Territory Law Handbook Introduction to the Legal System * Purpose of the ACT Law Handbook * Our Legal System * What is the Role of Go...
PurposeOfTheActLawHandbook in ACTLawHbk
The Purpose of the ACT Law Handbook and We all need to know about the law at some point in our lives. The ACT Law Handbook has been written by academics, lawyer...
PalliativeAndEndOfLifeCare in ACTLawHbk
End of Life and Palliative Care Contributed by Robin Gibson and current at 16 December 2021. Introduction The whole question of how individual patients, carers, ...
PermanentEntryVisaFamilyMigration in ACTLawHbk
Permanent Visas: Family Migration , and NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following section may n...
SeekingReviewOfDecisions in ACTLawHbk
Seeking Review of Migration Decisions , and NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following section m...
Visas in ACTLawHbk
Entry to Australia: Visas , and NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following section may not be ac...
IntroductionToImmigrationAndRefugeeLaw in ACTLawHbk
Introduction to Immigration and Refugee Law , and . NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following se...
DealingWithTheDepartment in ACTLawHbk
Dealing with the Department , and NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following section may not be ...
ImmigrationContactsAndResources in ACTLawHbk
Contacts and Resources , and NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following section may not be accur...
Citizenship in ACTLawHbk
Citizenship , and NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following section may not be accurate. Readers...
RemovalandDeportation in ACTLawHbk
Visa Cancellation, Removal and Deportation , and NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following sect...
BridgingVisas in ACTLawHbk
Bridging Visas and . NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following section may not be accurate. Rea...
VisitorsVisa in ACTLawHbk
Temporary Visas , and NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following section may not be accurate. Re...
PermanentEntryVisaHumanitarianEntry in ACTLawHbk
Permanent Visas: Humanitarian and Refugee Visas , and NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following...
SkilledMigrants in ACTLawHbk
Permanent Visas: Skilled Migration , and NOTE: The Immigration and Refugees chapter is under substantial revision. The information in the following section may ...
ChildAbduction in ACTLawHbk
Child Abduction Child abduction is a very important, confronting and often publicised aspect of family law. It routinely is discussed by the media in cases where ...
CopyrightAndIntellectualPropertyContactsAndResources in ACTLawHbk
Legalaid ACT Postal Address: GPO Box 512 Canberra ACT 2601 Reception: (02) 6243 3411 Fax: (02) 6243 3423 Email: Australian Copyright ...
HowToDealWithInfringement in ACTLawHbk
How to deal with infringement and If your copyright and/or moral rights have been infringed, there are a number of steps that you can take before taking the mat...
MoralRights in ACTLawHbk
Moral Rights and As well as copyright, creators also have moral rights in their creations. What are moral rights? Moral rights are the reputational rights of t...
Copyrightexceptions in ACTLawHbk
Copyright Exceptions and There are a number of exceptions to copyright infringement in the Copyright Act. If an exception applies to your use of the copyright m...
Infringementofcopyright in ACTLawHbk
Infringement of copyright and How is copyright infringed? Copyright is infringed when the whole or a substantial part of a work is used in one of the ways cont...
Copyrightpermissions in ACTLawHbk
Copyright Permissions and If you wish to use the whole or a substantial part of another person’s copyright material in any of the ways listed in Copyright Owner...
Copyrightownerrights in ACTLawHbk
Copyright Owner Rights and Copyright owners have a number of exclusive rights over their material (see s 31 for works and ss 85 – 88 for other subject matter). ...
Howlongdoescopyrightlast in ACTLawHbk
How long does copyright last? and Works For literary, artistic, dramatic and musical works, copyright will generally last for the life of the creator plus 70 y...
WhoGetsCopyright in ACTLawHbk
Who gets copyright? and The general rule under the Copyright Act is that copyright will belong to the person who created the copyright material (s 35 for works ...
WhatIsNotProtectedByCopyright in ACTLawHbk
What is not protected by copyright? and Courts have held that copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, styles, techniques, facts or information. For example,...
HowDoYouGetCopyright in ACTLawHbk
How do you get copyright? and Copyright is free and automatically applies the moment you create something original and express it in ‘material form’ (e.g. paint...
WhatDoesCopyrightProtect in ACTLawHbk
What does copyright protect? and The Copyright Act sets out eight categories of copyright protected materials. These can be divided into two broad categories: ...
WhatIsCopyright in ACTLawHbk
What is copyright? and Copyright is a legal concept that protects creative work. By granting this protection, copyright creates an incentive for people to inves...
FamilyLawContactsAndResources in ACTLawHbk
Where to get help and Legal Help Legal Aid ACT Anyone can seek free help from Legal Aid’s duty lawyers: At the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia ...
Adoption in ACTLawHbk
Adoption in the Australian Capital Territory Introduction Adoption provides a new, permanent family to a child who for various reasons cannot live with their bir...
MarriageAndDivorce in ACTLawHbk
Marriage and Divorce and What does this section cover? This section covers what is a valid marriage, recognition of overseas marriages and getting divorced. Th...
ChildSupport in ACTLawHbk
Child Support and What does this section cover? Following a separation, parents will often have to deal with child support in some way. This can be through an ...
PropertyDivisionAndFinancialSupportAfterSeparation in ACTLawHbk
Property Division and Financial Support after separation and What does this section cover? How the law approaches property division, time limits that apply, sp...
ChildrenParentingAfterSeparation in ACTLawHbk
Children – parenting after separation and What does this section cover? This section covers the law and approach in deciding where and with whom children shoul...
OurLegalSystem in ACTLawHbk
Our Legal System and This chapter explains the basics of the Australian legal system. It aims to provide a background understanding of the Australian legal syst...
GoingToFamilyLawCourt in ACTLawHbk
Going to Court and What does this section cover? This section covers court proceedings and procedures in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia and ...
ComingToAnAgreement in ACTLawHbk
Coming to an Agreement and What does this section cover? This section provides information for people who have reached an agreement after separation about prop...
FamilyViolenceAndChildAbuseInTheFamilyLawSystem in ACTLawHbk
Family Violence and Child Abuse in the Family Law System and What does this section cover? This section covers how the family law system deals with family viol...
WhatIsFamilyLaw in ACTLawHbk
What is ‘family law’? and What does this section cover? A brief overview of the family law system, including Family Dispute Resolution, Family Courts and what ...
FamilyViolenceAndPPOUsefulContacts in ACTLawHbk
Useful Contacts and Legal Aid Legal Aid ACT provides free advice and help about Family Violence Orders, Personal and Workplace Protection Orders. You can call ...
PersonalProtectionOrders in ACTLawHbk
Personal Protection Orders and Workplace Protection Orders and What is personal violence? According to the Personal Violence Act 2016 (ACT) section 8, personal...
FamilyViolenceOrders in ACTLawHbk
Family Violence Orders and What is family violence? Family violence is a pattern of abusive behaviour that happens in many different ways. In general, it invol...
ConsumerAndContractsContactsAndResources in ACTLawHbk
Contacts and Resources and CARE Phone: (02) 6143 0044 Website: law centre Address: Ground floor, 19 23 Moore Street, Turner 26...
ContractLaw in ACTLawHbk
Contract Law , and The information contained in this part is a very brief overview of contract law as it can apply to the purchase of goods and services. There ...
HelpAndRemedies in ACTLawHbk
Help and remedies , and Self help In the first instance a consumer should raise their complaint with the trader concerned. The trader may concede the complaint...
GeneralProtections in ACTLawHbk
General Protections , and Unconscionable conduct The doctrine of unconscionability is an equitable doctrine based on the general law. This doctrine is incorpor...
ConsumerLaw in ACTLawHbk
Consumer Law , and About the Australian Consumer Law The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) came into force on 1 January 2011. The ACL is found in Schedule 2 of the...
RelevantWorkHealthAndSafetyLegislation in ACTLawHbk
Relevant Work Health and Safety Legislation and . Commonwealth Legislation Mutual Recognition Act 1992 (Cth) Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (...
WorkHealthAndSafetyContactsAndResources in ACTLawHbk
Contacts and Resources and . Social Media Access Canberra Vimeo Healthier Work Twitter WorkSafe Twitter Publications Australian work health and safety strat...
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