The Australian Cyber Law Map is a wiki (an editable website developed and contributed to by a community of users) hosted by AustLII Communities that aims to create an interactive ‘map’ of Australian laws affecting cyber security and cyber resilience.
Who can contribute to the Map?
Contributors are personally invited by existing contributors to join the closed community. A contributor can add or edit topics, online sources and commentary relating to a wide range of issues related to cyber law and security.
How do I contribute to the Map?
Access the Australian Cyber Law Map directly or via the AustLII Communities homepage.
Log in using the login details provided by AustLII.
To add to or edit an existing topic:
Click on the topic then select Edit in the top right-hand corner.
An editing window will appear where you can make changes.
Use the Help tab at the top for assistance.
Once complete, select Preview to test your changes or Save to save and exit the editing window.
To add a new topic:
Select New in the top right-hand corner.
Enter the title of the new topic, select ' AustralianCyberLawMap Template' then select Submit.
Read the instructions in the editing window then replace them with your own contribution.
Select Preview or Save when finished.
What can I contribute to the Map?
Links to relevant sources (e.g. legislation, cases, government websites, policy papers, articles)
Use archived web links where possible
Use freely available journal articles where possible (no paywall)
Brief commentary on issues, developments or sources (avoid copying passages of text from previous work)
Links or connections between existing material in Map
How is the Map organised?
The Map is organised into topics that each reflect a different area of law impacting cyber security and resilience (e.g. Telecommunications, Consumer Rights, Directors’ Duties). Within each topic, information is organised as follows:
Overview: Explains briefly what this topic is about in 1 or 2 sentences.
Background: Provides a descriptive summary of the key legal issues, trends and changes related to this topic (e.g. recent amendments, policy announcements).
Legal Framework: Includes commentary and links to primary legal sources – legislation, subordinate legislation (e.g. regulations, rules, orders), case law and international law.
Regulatory & Policy Framework: Includes commentary and links to relevant organisations, policies, inquiries and reforms, regulations (other than delegated legislation), standards, technical materials and guidelines.
Industry Materials & Practices: Includes commentary and links to private sector materials and evidence of industry practices.
Related Topics: Provides links to related existing topics in the Map.
Where can I find more information about using the Map?