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50 recent changes in DataLex/DTS4A2J Web retrieved at 14:06 (AEDT)

COVIDSafeAct in DataLex/DTS4A2J
COVIDSafe Act: Click here to run consultation *Run the consultation * Overview Purpose This is a legal expert and decision support system designed to answer ques...
COVIDSafeKB20 in DataLex/DTS4A2J
COVIDSafe App /* */ DEFAULT ACT Privacy Act 1988 /*OBJECTS*/ PERSONTHING the potential offend...
ClientScenariosExpanded in DataLex/DTS4A2J
Client Scenarios (COVIDSafe App) These are hypothetical questions that clients may have about their rights and obligations under the COVIDSafe Act that the interm...
FilingAComplaintOAIC in DataLex/DTS4A2J
Filing A Complaint with the OAIC LINK submit TO us/contact us LINK pre complaint quiz TO
HowToDetermineWhetherDataIsCOVIDAppData in DataLex/DTS4A2J
How to determine whether data is COVID app data LINK COVID app data TO
WebPreferences in DataLex/DTS4A2J
DataLex/DTS4A2J Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on *...
WebBottomBar in DataLex/DTS4A2J
WebBottomBar AustLII modified WebBottomBar component. %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then=' %FORMATLIST{ "%FLEXWEBLIST{ format="$name=$web" map="" ...
Definitions in DataLex/DTS4A2J
Definitions COVID 19: A highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, SARS CoV 2; first appeared in China in 2019 encrypted data: Data that has...
EmilyHunyor in DataLex/DTS4A2J
Main.EmilyHunyor 14 Nov 2020 Test
Test1KB in DataLex/DTS4A2J
ADD RULE TITLE HERE PERSON a personTHING a documentDEFAULT ACT Freedom Of Information Act 1982GOAL RULE Freedom Of Information Act 1982 Section 11 PROVID...
2020 in DataLex/DTS4A2J
2020 Group projects * COVIDSafe Act Individual assignments * Muhammad Abubakar * Calvin Fong * Erol Gorur * Emily Hunyor *...
DataLexKBTemplate in DataLex/DTS4A2J
System in DataLex/DTS4A2J
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% This page lists projects developed as part of the Designing Technology Solutions for Access to Justice (DTS4A2J) course at UN...
WebAtom in DataLex/DTS4A2J
AustLII Communities's DataLex/DTS4A2J web
WebLeftBar in DataLex/DTS4A2J
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
WebNotify in DataLex/DTS4A2J
* .WikiGuest
WebRss in DataLex/DTS4A2J
" else="AustLII Communities's DataLex/DTS4A2J web"}% /DataLex/DTS4A2J
24 topic(s) found

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