Family Relationship Centres
Contributed by Sue Foster, as amended by Jenny Devlin and current to January 2025
Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call when families want information about relationship and separation issues.
Through information and referrals, the centres help families strengthen relationships and deal with relationship difficulties. Where families separate, the centres provide information, advice and family dispute resolution (mediation) to help them reach an agreement on parenting arrangements without going to court. They also refer families to a range of other services that can help.
Services available
People of all ages at any stage of their family relationship are able to use the centre to enhance relationships and resolve individual relationship issues. They provide access to indigenous advisors who can provide culturally appropriate options and referrals to relevant services.
Help families use other services
The centres make it easier for families to find out about and use the many existing services throughout Australia that can help them resolve their relationship issues. These other services include early intervention services that prevent relationships from breaking down.
Provide assistance for separating families
As well as providing information and referrals, centres are able to help separating parents in a number of ways, including:
- individual appointments for separating/separated parents to help them identify issues and options and focus on the needs of their children;
- joint family dispute resolution sessions for separating/separated parents to help them reach agreement on parenting arrangements - these are conducted by Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners who can issue Section 60I Certificates enabling parents to proceed to court if matters are not resolved;
- with the consent of parents a Child Consultation session may be arranged to better understand the needs of the child/ren;
- group programs and public information sessions on parenting after separation.
If it is appropriate, you can bring family members or a support person with you.
Lawyers may attend as support people where an FDR practitioner believes it would be appropriate, but sessions must be child-focussed and not adversarial. Where one person is eligible for Legal Aid and wishes to undertake FDR with legal assistance, they will be referred to Legal Aid in the first instance. Where neither person is eligible for Legal Aid and lawyers attend FDR, the people in the family dispute resolution sessions cover their own legal costs. You are also encouraged to seek legal advice at any stage outside the centre.
Centres are committed to providing a safe environment and can put into place arrangements to assist with your safety or the safety of your children. You should let centre staff know if you have any concerns as soon as possible.
Costs and charges
Centres provide individual information and referral, public family relationship seminars and/or group sessions and individual help free of charge.
Depending on individual income levels, centres may also provide up to three hours of joint family dispute resolution sessions free of charge. Charges will
apply after the first three hours of joint sessions. Any fees charged after these three hours will take into account the client's ability to pay. In some cases fees may be waived.
Darwin Family Relationship Centre
For information and appointment bookings:
Freecall: 1300 364 277 or 1300 458 600
Tel: 8923 4999 (Darwin) or 8950 4100 (Alice Springs)
Centres also operate in Katherine and Alice Springs.
Family Relationship Centres
The Family Relationship Centres form part of a national network with the Family Relationship Advice Line which provides free information, advice and referral services. Family Relationship Advice Line: 1800 050 321 between 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 4pm Saturday.
Family Relationships Online
Family Relationships Online provides access to information about the changes to the family law system and about family relationship issues and services available to assist families.
Visit Family Relationships Online: