50 recent changes in NTLawHbk Web retrieved at 18:29 (AEDT)
in NTLawHbk
Health and Community Services Complaints , and Health and Community Services Complaints Commission (HCSCC) The Health and Community Services Complaints Commiss...
in NTLawHbk
Parking , and Parking Infringements Council Officers are authorised under the
Local Government Act 2008 (NT) to enforce legislation that covers areas for which ...
in NTLawHbk
Privacy and Privacy laws only apply to some organisations Privacy laws regulate the way personal information should be collected, handled, or communicated. As ...
in NTLawHbk
Correcting information and You can apply to correct or amend personal information about yourself held by a NT public sector organisation or Federal agency ( NT...
in NTLawHbk
Freedom of information and What is Freedom of Information? Freedom of Information (FOI) is a process which allows you to apply for and (subject to some exempti...
in NTLawHbk
Couples who are not married , and People in de facto relationships (be they heterosexual or same sex couples) now have very similar rights when it comes to fami...
in NTLawHbk
Jury service and Overview The Australian justice system works on the principle that people should be tried and judged by their peers. For this reason, in the N...
in NTLawHbk
Legal aid , and Many people can't afford the services of a lawyer. Legal aid makes it possible for those people to get legal advice or help to present claims in...
in NTLawHbk
Costs and fees for family law actions , and Generally, each party to proceedings under the FLA pays their own costs
s.117 . If the court thinks it is justified...
in NTLawHbk
Insurance and Introduction Insurance companies collect premiums from their customers to use to pay those customers who make claims under their insurance polici...
in NTLawHbk
Challenging administrative decisions and If an administrative decision is made that you disagree with, there are four main ways that you might be able to challe...
in NTLawHbk
Domestic and family violence , , Introduction What is Domestic Violence? 'Domestic violence' includes where one person in a domestic relationship (see Who can ...
in NTLawHbk
Discrimination and The area of discrimination is covered by both Territory and Federal laws. The Anti Discrimination Act (ADA) is the main piece of Northern Ter...
in NTLawHbk
29.3 Entry by migrants There is a lot of debate in the community about migration. The makers and supporters of Australia's migration policies argue that they are ...
in NTLawHbk
Family Relationship Centres , and Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call when families want information about relationship and separation issues. ...
in NTLawHbk
Community organisations , and Community organisations provide a vast array of services and activities within our community and can be a sporting or social club,...
in NTLawHbk
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% * Table of contents About the Handbook The Northern Territory Law Handbook ('the Handbook') has been developed as an easy t...
in NTLawHbk
Northern Territory Law Handbook Welcome to the Northern Territory Law Handbook: an easy to read guide to law in the Northern Territory. This approach to providing...
in NTLawHbk
Remedies , reviewed by Cameron Kiely and In a successful court action for defamation there are three possible common law remedies available: * damages * ex...
in NTLawHbk
Defamation , reviewed by Cameron Kiely and The tort of defamation focuses on damage to reputation and in the Northern Territory is covered by the Defamation Act ...
in NTLawHbk
Community organisations dealing with money , and There are four basic ways for a community organisation with limited funds to improve its financial position. ...
in NTLawHbk
Legal documents This chapter describes some of the documents commonly regarded as legal documents. Many others are not covered by this chapter, though some are de...
in NTLawHbk
Offences against the person , and Introduction This chapter deals with common offences to be found in the Criminal Code Act (CCA) and other Acts commonly used ...
in NTLawHbk
Representing yourself and Overview The term ‘self represented litigant’ is often used to refer to people who decide to run their own proceeding in a court or t...
in NTLawHbk
Aboriginal land, native title and heritage , and The primary pieces of legislation regarding Aboriginal rights to land are the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern...
in NTLawHbk
Complaints and A person may complain to the ACMA if they believe Australians can access unlawful content online using an Australian ISP or Australian content ho...
in NTLawHbk
Contact points Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority Alice Springs 1st Floor, 44 Bath Street, Alice Springs, NT GPO Box 1890, Darwin, NT 0801 Tel: 8951 5023 Fax...
in NTLawHbk
Alternative Dispute Resolution and What is Alternative Dispute Resolution? ADR is a broad term used to describe many conflict resolution processes. They all ha...
in NTLawHbk
Adult Guardianship , and About guardianship What is guardianship? Guardianship is the framework that gives legal authority to a guardian to make decisions on ...
in NTLawHbk
Superannuation , and Superannuation is a long term savings and investment vehicle that provides tax advantaged retirement benefits for members and their dependen...
in NTLawHbk
Interpreters , and It is essential that anyone who has difficulty effectively communicating in English has the services of an interpreter in any legal situation....
in NTLawHbk
Courts and Tribunals , and In Australia, courts and tribunals are organised into a hierarchy and are divided into two different areas: federal and state/territo...
in NTLawHbk
Consumer risks when shopping online , and Online shopping has become an integral part of modern life, offering the convenience of browsing and purchasing from h...
in NTLawHbk
What is the law? , and The law is a set of rules or principles used to regulate humans. Generally, the law is created and enforced by the government or other in...
in NTLawHbk
Finding the law , and When you want to find the law on a topic, reading a fact sheet, book, or credible internet source is a good place to start. Many sites on ...
in NTLawHbk
Changing The Law , and Introduction The law in Australia is constantly changing every year, with the parliaments introducing new laws or changing existing laws...
in NTLawHbk
Motor vehicle accidents , and This section is divided into three parts: * what to do after an accident * property damage * motor vehicle injuries. The ...
in NTLawHbk
Education and Care Services in the Northern Territory and Quality Education and Care NT (QECNT) Quality Education and Care NT (QECNT) is the regulatory authori...
in NTLawHbk
Buying a motor vehicle , and Buying a motor vehicle is a major financial commitment and can be problematic, especially if your knowledge of vehicles is limited ...
in NTLawHbk
Children's rights and responsibilities , and Introduction Australia ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990. See http://www.o...
in NTLawHbk
Debts , and A debt exists when one person, the debtor, owes money to another, the creditor. Unpaid electricity or telephone bills, doctor's fees and credit card ...
in NTLawHbk
Bankruptcy , and Bankruptcy is a method that enables some control to be taken over a debtor's affairs, so that their financial disaster can be brought to an end,...
in NTLawHbk
Please note: this area of law changes rapidly. Before relying on information provided here, it is advisable to seek professional advice from a Registered Migratio...
in NTLawHbk
The effects of criminal convictions and A person convicted of an offence may well find the hardship continues well beyond their prison sentence. Some of the con...
in NTLawHbk
Contracts and consumer protection , , and How does contract and consumer law help you? People make contracts every day, but may not realise it. For example, bu...
in NTLawHbk
Naming a child , , This section deals with the law as it relates to naming children. It also contains some practical information about how to add details to regi...
in NTLawHbk
Changing names , , A person's name is changed by registration of the change under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act (BDMRA). The Act provides tha...
in NTLawHbk
Dealing with lawyers and The word lawyer is a general term that applies to anyone who has been 'admitted' to the legal profession by a Supreme Court in an Aus...
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