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50 recent changes in NTLawHbk Web retrieved at 17:22 (AEST)

ContractsAndConsumerProtection in NTLawHbk
Contracts and consumer protection , and How does contract and consumer law help you? People make contracts every day, but may not realise it. For example, buyi...
FindingTheLaw in NTLawHbk
Finding the law and Finding the law isn't always easy. Even lawyers sometimes have difficulties. In recent years several useful books for lay people have been p...
DomesticAndFamilyViolence in NTLawHbk
Domestic and family violence and What is Domestic Violence? 'Domestic violence' includes where one person in a domestic relationship (see Who can apply for a D...
LegalAid in NTLawHbk
Legal aid and Many people can't afford the services of a lawyer. Legal aid makes it possible for those people to get legal advice or help to present claims in c...
Bankruptcy in NTLawHbk
Bankruptcy and Bankruptcy is a method that enables some control to be taken over a debtor's affairs, so that their financial disaster can be brought to an end, ...
Debts in NTLawHbk
Debts and A debt exists when one person, the debtor, owes money to another, the creditor. Unpaid electricity or telephone bills, doctor's fees and credit card a...
Adoption in NTLawHbk
3.7 Adoption and Adoptions in the Northern Territory are covered by two Acts. The Adoption of Children Act 1994 (ACA), which deals with: * adoption procedure...
ContactPoints in NTLawHbk
Contact points Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority Alice Springs 1st Floor, 44 Bath Street, Alice Springs, NT GPO Box 1890, Darwin, NT 0801 Tel: 8951 5023 Fax...
BuyingAndSellingRealEstate in NTLawHbk
Buying and selling a house and This section aims to be a general guide to buying and selling a house and does not contain enough information for a person to dra...
Protection in NTLawHbk
Protection of banks and Need for protection Banks handle thousands of cheques every day and, therefore, it is understandable that they do not examine every che...
BuyingOnCredit in NTLawHbk
Buying on credit and In this section we use a number of different terms to mean the same, or at least, very similar thing. The main terms to be familiar with ar...
BankingIntroduction in NTLawHbk
Introduction and Dealing with a bank is, in many respects, similar to dealing with any other business. A bank offers services, which a customer may choose to us...
Banking in NTLawHbk
Bank accounts and Opening an account Under the Financial Transactions Reports Act 1988 (Cth) (FTRA) it is an offence to open an account in a false name. As suc...
WebNotify in NTLawHbk
* .WikiGuest * .DorothyFauls: * * .RussellGoldflam: AlcoholAndTheLaw
AlcoholAndTheLaw in NTLawHbk
Alcohol and the law and The law regulates the way that alcohol is provided and consumed in the NT. This section contains only information that relates to the wa...
ChildWelfare in NTLawHbk
Well being of children and The Care and Protection of Children Act, 2009 (NT) (CaPoCA) aims to promote the well being of children including: protecting them fro...
DealingWithLawyers in NTLawHbk
Dealing with lawyers and The word lawyer is a general term applied to solicitors and barristers and anyone else admitted by the Supreme Court. A person with a l...
AdultGuardianship in NTLawHbk
Adult guardianship and About guardianship What is guardianship? Guardianship is the framework that gives legal authority to a guardian to make decisions on be...
NTLawHandbook in NTLawHbk
Northern Territory Law Handbook Welcome to the Northern Territory Law Handbook: an easy to read guide to law in the Northern Territory. This approach to providing...
HealthInsurance in NTLawHbk
Health insurance and Types of health insurance Medicare is a taxpayer funded health cover scheme that gives all permanent Australian residents a basic level of...
HealthConsumerRights in NTLawHbk
Health consumer rights and Health law in the NT is governed by a myriad of NT legislation, Commonwealth legislation and the common law. This section deals only ...
CouplesWhoAreMarried in NTLawHbk
3.2 Couples who are married and This section covers issues that married couples may face. These include validity of marriage, property settlement, divorce and s...
ElderAbuse in NTLawHbk
FamilyRelationshipCentres in NTLawHbk
Family Relationship Centres and Family Relationship Centres are a first port of call when families want information about relationship and separation issues. Th...
NationalDisabilityInsuranceScheme in NTLawHbk
National Disability Insurance Scheme 24 Aug 2018 12:49 Version 4 DorothyFauls and The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was established in 2013...
Interpreters in NTLawHbk
Interpreters and It is essential that anyone who has difficulty effectively communicating in English has the services of an interpreter in any legal situation. ...
CostsAndFeesForFamilyLawActions in NTLawHbk
Costs and fees for family law actions and Generally, each party to proceedings under the FLA pays their own costs s.117 . If the court thinks it is justified, ...
System in NTLawHbk
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% * Table of contents About the Handbook The Northern Territory Law Handbook ('the Handbook') has been developed as an easy t...
TelecommunicationPostalConsumers in NTLawHbk
7.5 Telecommunications and postal consumers Telecommunications regulatory framework There are a number of laws, regulations and industry codes that regulate how ...
OffencesAgainstPublicOrder in NTLawHbk
  Offences against public order and Offences against police Under the Criminal Code it is an offence to assault, resist or hinder a police officer who is ac...
NationalSecurityAndAntiTerrorism in NTLawHbk
20.6 National security and anti terrorism laws and Since 2002, Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments have passed a range of anti terrorism laws. Support...
BuyingABusiness in NTLawHbk
Buying a business and There are some advantages to buy an existing business rather than starting from scratch. Some of the advantages include: * the business...
Renting in NTLawHbk
Renting and AndrewSmith and Current to 1 July 2018 Renting, or tenancy, is a tenant's right to occupy premises based on their legal relationship with their landl...
CourtsAndTribunals in NTLawHbk
Courts and Tribunals and Most courts in Australia hear both civil and criminal cases. Tribunals, commissions and other bodies settle disputes in other areas, su...
WebPreferences in NTLawHbk
NTLawHbk Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = off * *...
Employment in NTLawHbk
Employment , and Introduction This section provides information about employment law in the Northern Territory, and covers: * Where employment rights come fr...
WorkRelatedInjury in NTLawHbk
Work related injury and Northern Territory Scheme In the Northern Territory, a worker who suffers an injury or illness resulting in their incapacity to work, r...
ComplaintsAboutPolice in NTLawHbk
Complaints about police and In the NT there is a system available to members of the public who wish to complain about the NT or Federal Police. This section out...
BrittanyMyers in NTLawHbk
.BrittanyMyers 25 Jun 2018
WebBottomBar in NTLawHbk
WebBottomBar Default WebBottomBar component. Please do not modify. Use .WebBottomBar instead. %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then=' %FORMATLIST{ "%FLEXWEBL...
WebMenu in NTLawHbk
WebMenu Definition of site wide horizontal menu Implementation %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then="$percntINCLUDE{\".SiteMenu\" section=\"admin...
ComplaintsAboutGovernmentAdministration in NTLawHbk
Complaints about government administration and Administrative law is the body of law that applies to the administrative actions and decision making processes of...
CouplesWhoAreNotMarried in NTLawHbk
3.3 Couples who are not married and People in de facto relationships (be they heterosexual or same sex couples) now have very similar rights when it comes to fa...
ParentingAfterSeparation in NTLawHbk
Parenting after separation and The law governing parenting after separation is contained in the Family Law Act 1975 (FLA). Children don't have to be the childre...
AlternativeDisputeResolution in NTLawHbk
Alternative Dispute Resolution and As a society we tend to leave disputes unresolved until they reach major proportions. Also, we rely on courts, lawyers and le...
YoungPeopleAndCrime in NTLawHbk
and In the Northern Territory, anyone over the age of 10 can be charged with a criminal offence. People aged between ten and 18 who are charged with a criminal o...
ChildrensRightsAndResponsibilities in NTLawHbk
Children's rights and responsibilities and Introduction Australia ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990. See http://www.ohc...
CommonProblemsInNeighbourhoods in NTLawHbk
Common problems in neighbourhoods and Disputes between neighbours can arise over all sorts of issues, ranging from the exact position of boundaries to noisy chi...
ChildrenAndYoungPeople in NTLawHbk
ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS CHAPTERBDM: Registrar of Births, Deaths and MarriagesBDMRA: Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1997CCA: Criminal Code ActCEO...
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