50 recent changes in Archive/ACTLawHbk Web retrieved at 01:22 (AEDT)
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Contributor: Andrew Klein DLA Phillips Fox Currency of information: November 2009 This Chapter on Administrative Law draws upon material in the...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Administrative Appeals Tribunal Review by the AAT The Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is established under the Administrat...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Administrative Tribunals Merits Review of Administrative Decisions People who have been affected by decisions of the Commonwealth or ACT Gove...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Contacts, Links and Resources Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) www.aat.gov.au Administrative Review Council (ARC) www.ag.go...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Arrest, Bail and Court Processes Contributor: Melinda Smith Currency of information: May 2010 Citizen's Arrest Citizen's Arrest (The following is adapted from m...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts Contributor: Nick Seddon Currency of information: January 2011 The Law of Contract A contract is a legally binding agreement between two ...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts Australian Consumer Law Introduction The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) is Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts Consumer Guarantees Minimum Standards for Retail Sales of Goods or Services The Australian Consumer Law ('the ACL') contains consumer gu...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts The Terms of a Contract What are the Terms of a Contract? Before entering into a contract, various statements will often be made by the ...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Disability and Guardianship Contributor: Nick Seddon Currency of information: January 2009 This Chapter on Disability and Guardianship draws upon material in the ...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Employment Law Contributor: DLA Phillips Fox Currency of information: January 2011 NOTE: This chapter reflects the Fair Work provisions which commenced on 1 July ...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Freedom of Information Contributor: Melinda Smith Currency of information: March 2010 NOTE: This Chapter does not cover the new Commonwealth Office of the Informa...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Freedom of Information Overview The concept of Freedom of Information refers to a citizen's right to obtain information from government affecting him or her. In ...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Health Law Access to Medical Records and Confidentiality Medical Records Legislation Patients who have been treated in public hospitals do not have an automatic...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Health Law Beginning of Life Issues Abortion Abortion is no longer a crime in the ACT if performed by a registered medical practitioner, in a medical facility a...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Health Law Complaints, Whistleblowing and Initiating Litigation Complaints and Whistle Blowing A complaint about a health care provider in the ACT can be made d...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Compliance Unlawful Non Citizens Anyone who is not an Australian citizen and enters or remains in Australia without a vali...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Neighbours Contributor: Dr Nicolas Seddon Currency of information: July 2009 Resolving the Neighbour Disputes Living in close quarters with our neighbours is not...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Residential Tenancy Law Contributor: Deborah Pippen Currency of information: March 2006 Introduction Private residential tenancies and public housing tenancies i...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Elements of Contract Intention to Create Legal Relations A contract does not exist simply because there is an agreement between people. The parties to the agreem...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
The Legal System Law Reform The reasons why law changes are many. Often the need for change is expressed and defined by law reform organisations, royal commissio...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% * ACT Law Handbook * Project Description * Project Partners Project Description The aim of this project is to develop...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
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Archive/ACTLawHbk Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = off *...
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" else="AustLII Communities's Archive/ACTLawHbk web"}% /Archive/ACTLawHbk
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Contributors: Bonnie Allan and Charles Rowland Currency of information: February 2009 In Memoriam LIZ ALLEN This Chapter ...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Administration of Estates Insolvent Estates If the deceased had more debts than assets (in other words, the estate is i...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Family Provision The principles relating to family provision are laid down in the Family Provision Act 1969 (ACT) ('the ...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Funerals, Burial and Cremation in the Act Sources of the Law Governing Funerals, Burial and Cremation in the ACT The ma...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Glossary of Legal Words used Administration and Probate Act means the Administration and Probate Act 1929 (ACT). Adminis...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals How the Law of Succession May Involve You You may become affected by the law of succession in various ways: * when yo...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Things to do before Death There are some things a person can do to reduce the difficulties and expense of administration...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Wills The Need for a Will Generally wills have to be in writing and properly signed and witnessed in the precise way la...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
ACT Law Handbook Live pages marked with asterix * Society and the Legal System * Australian Government and Society * The Legal System* * Fundamental ...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Administrative Law What is "Administrative Law"? Administrative law is, broadly, the area of law which enables challenges to be made to admin...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Commonwealth and ACT Ombudsman Roles and Powers of the Ombudsman The office of Commonwealth Ombudsman was established by the Ombudsman Act 19...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Freedom of Information Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) Information held by Commonwealth government departments and agencies may be obta...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Judicial Review What is "Judicial Review"? Judicial review is different from a statutory appeal on the merits or a complaint to the Ombudsman...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Buying or Selling a Car Contributor: Nick Seddon Currency of information: January 2011 Introduction Several areas of law relate to buying a car. These include th...
in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Community Organisations Contributor: Professor Stephen Bottomley Currency of information: April 2009 Introduction It is common for people who share common intere...
50 topic(s) found
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