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50 recent changes in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw Web retrieved at 13:38 (AEDT)

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System in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Capacity and the Law Capacity and the Law 2021 Edition{{This edition includes all 2021 updates to the third edition O’Neill N, Peisah C. Capacity and the law. ...
Chapter13 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 13 Advance Directives , . 13.1 Introduction As was discussed in Chapter 11, with the development of the concept of patient autonomy and, in particular,...
Chapter12 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 12 Substitute Consent to Medical and Dental Treatment , . 12.1 Introduction The judges in the common law world have not developed a regime for substitu...
Chapter11 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 11 The Development of the Law Relating to Medical Treatment of Incapable People and . 11.1 Introduction Australia and the common law world generally a...
Chapter10 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 10 Enduring powers of attorney , . 10.1 Introduction In 1925 in Tasmania a woman gave her nephew a power of attorney to empower him to manage her affai...
Chapter9 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 9 Enduring guardianship , . 9.1 Introduction This chapter describes key aspects of the power, given in differing ways and to different extents in State...
Chapter8 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 8 Administration/financial management , . 8.1 Introduction Central to the modern guardianship and administration of estates systems in Australia is the...
Chapter7 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 7 – The functions and powers of guardians and . 7.1 Introduction This chapter sets out the functions or powers given to guardians by legislation in the ...
Chapter6 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 6 Guardianship and . 6.1 Introduction The development of the modern system of guardianship for adults with decision making disabilities in Australia i...
Chapter5 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 5 The Development of Modern Guardianship and Administration and . 5.1 What this chapter is about This chapter deals briefly with the development in En...
Chapter4 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 4 Capacity and wills and . 4.1 Introduction As our society becomes richer and more and more people have real and personal property to leave when they ...
Chapter3 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 3 – Incapacity and contracts and gifts during lifetime and . 3.1 Introduction In this chapter we will deal with capacity to enter contracts and related ...
Chapter2 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 2 Decision making and relationships and . 2.1 Introduction Decisions are rarely made in an interpersonal vacuum. This is the basis of the concept of r...
Chapter1 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 1 What is capacity? and . 1.1 Introduction The field of capacity and decision making is a truly “medico legal” field, representing an interface between...
Chapter17 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 17 Capacity and the right to refuse psychiatric treatment and . 17.1 Introduction As was noted in Chapter 12, subject to some exceptions, adults canno...
Chapter18 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 18 Professional Capacity , . 18.1 Introduction We use the term professional capacity in this text to refer to an individual’s fitness or competence to ...
Chapter16 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 16 Capacity to Consent to Research , . 16.1 Introduction Clinical research with cognitively impaired adults is important. It is essential for improving...
Chapter15 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 15 – Sterilisation , . 15.1 Introduction The sterilisation of children and adults with decision making disabilities, usually justified by a decision maki...
Chapter14 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 14 The Proper Practice and Law relating to decision making about Treatment and Care at the End of Life , . 14.1 Introduction Dying is the final act of ...
Chapter20 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Chapter 13 Advance Directives and 13.1 Introduction As was discussed in Chapter 11, with the development of the concept of patient autonomy and, in particula...
Chapter19 in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Main.HannahFigueroa 19 Jul 2019
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WebBottomBar Default WebBottomBar component. Please do not modify. Use .WebBottomBar instead. %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then=' %FORMATLIST{ "%FLEXWEBL...
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Publishing Details Publisher: AdminUser Date: 29 Jun 2017 23:02 Dir: /home/www/foswiki/pub/publish/ URL: Web(s): ...
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Books/CapacityAndTheLaw Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on...
Preface in Books/CapacityAndTheLaw
Preface Preface to the 2nd edition of Capacity and the Law (2017) This second edition of Capacity and the Law offers a window into the rapid growth of knowledge r...
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