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50 recent changes in DataLex Web retrieved at 17:28 (AEST)

WebBottomBar in DataLex
WebBottomBar AustLII modified WebBottomBar component. %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then=' %FORMATLIST{ "%FLEXWEBLIST{ format="$name=$web" map="" ...
DefinitionOfDocument in DataLex
Title of Knowledge base THING the item requested GOAL RULE definition of document in Freedom of Information Act 1982 s4 PROVIDES IF paragraph (a) of defini...
FOI in DataLex
Title of Knowledge base THING the agency GOAL RULE Freedom of Information Act 1982 s4 definition of "agency" PROVIDES means a Department, a prescribed auth...
FOI8KB in DataLex
FOI, s4 definition "exempt document" PERSON the person applyingTHING the document requested/* Metarule /GOAL RULE definition of "exempt document" in Freedo...
ExemptDocument in DataLex
Exempt document RULE Definition of exempt document in Freedom of Information Act 1982 s4PROVIDES the document requested is an exempt document ONLY IF condi...
Test in DataLex
Logic RULE Simple logic PROVIDESIF a applies AND b applies THEN c applies GOAL RULE consequent PROVIDESd appliesONLY IF c applies OR e applies
FOI7KB in DataLex
Title of Knowledge base PERSON the person applyingTHING the document requested RULE definition of "exempt document" in Freedom of Information Act 1982 s4 P...
PatentsCC in DataLex
Patent Law RULE Patents Act 1990 (Cth) s 15 PROVIDES a patent can be granted to a person who is ONLY IF s15(a) applies OR s15(b) applies OR s 15(c) applies...
FOI4KB in DataLex
FOI Act "document of an agency" THING the document requestedTHING the agency GOAL RULE Freedom of Information Act 1982 s4 definition of "document of an age...
FOI6KB in DataLex
FOI Act 1982 s4 definition "exempt document" THING the document requested THING the agency RULE definition of "exempt document" in Freedom of Information...
FOItest2 in DataLex
Title of Knowledge base RULE test 2 PROVIDES IF a THEN b
FOIDocumentOfAnAgency in DataLex
FOI Document of an Agency RULE "document of an agency" PROVIDES a document is a document of an agency ONLY IF the document is in the possession of the agen...
FOI3test in DataLex
Title of Knowledge base RULE Freedom of Information 1982 s4 definition of "document of an agency" PROVIDES a document is a document of an agency ONLY IF th...
ChrisTest in DataLex
Title of Knowledge base ADD RULES HERE
KnowledgeBases in DataLex
KnowledgeBase examples FOI, s11 consultation THING the document GOAL RULE Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) s11 PROVIDES a person does have a legally enforce...
YshKeywords in DataLex
Rich set of keywords supported by ysh / Wysh The inference engine, YSH (pronounced 'why shell') uses a natural language knowledge representation. Knowledge may be...
WebAtom in DataLex
AustLII Communities's DataLex web
WebLeftBar in DataLex
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
WebNotify in DataLex
* .WikiGuest
WebRss in DataLex
" else="AustLII Communities's DataLex web"}% /DataLex
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