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50 recent changes in DataLex Web retrieved at 13:52 (AEDT)

System in DataLex
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% DataLex Smart legal decision support and Rules as Code – AustLII 's rule based legal reasoning platform. AustLII is a join...
WebPreferences in DataLex
DataLex Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set to ...
SteelTanksCB in DataLex
Steel tanks for flammable and combustible liquids // Codebase: Steel tanks for flammable and combustible liquids (AS 1692) // Author/Contributor: Andrew ...
CharitiesJerseyLaw2014CB in DataLex
Charities (Jersey) Law 2014 // Codebase: Charities (Jersey) Law 2014 // Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray // Created: 30 July 2023 // Last Updated: 4 Augu...
SteelTanksLinksCB in DataLex
Steel tanks for flammable and combustible liquids links // Steel tanks for flammable and combustible liquids links LINK clause 1.1 TO
RoadTankVehiclesLinksKB in DataLex
Road Tank Vehicles Links // Road Tank Vehicles Links // links to clauses LINK clause 1.1 TO 1.1 LINK clau...
RainingKB in DataLex
Raining Document Assembly and Generation /* * Codebase: Raining Document Assembly and Generation * Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray and Philip Chun...
NSWHairdressersActKB in DataLex
Hairdressers Act 2003 // // Codebase: Hairdressers Act 2003 (NSW) // Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray//// Hairdressers Act 2003 (NSW)// Act 6...
FOIKB in DataLex
FOI, s11 consultation This codebase, and other linked codebases, include contributions by Graham Greenleaf, Philip Chung and Lyria Bennett Moses. /* * Co...
GoalTestKB in DataLex
Goal Test (forward and backward chaining) knowledge base RULE R1 PROVIDES IF E is correct AND F is correct THEN A is correct RULE R2 PROVIDES IF A is corre...
RoadTankVehiclesKB in DataLex
Road Tank Vehicles (AS 2809.1:202X) // Codebase: Road Tank Vehicles (AS 2809.1:202X) // Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray // Created: 7 July 2021 // L...
RoadTankVehiclesGoalsKB in DataLex
Road Tank Vehicles (AS 2809) // Codebase: Road Tank Vehicles (AS 2809.1:202X) // Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray // Created: 7 July 2021 // Last Upd...
NSWCommunityGamingRegKB in DataLex
Community Gaming Regulation 2020 (with Explanations) /* * Knowledge base: Community Gaming Regulation 2020 (NSW) * Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray ...
RoadTankVehicles1KB in DataLex
Road Tank Vehicles (with links) // Codebase: Road Tank Vehicles INCLUDE INCLUDE
NonDisclosureAgreementKB in DataLex
Non Disclosure Agreement Document Assembly and Generation /* * Codebase: Non Disclosure Agreement * Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray and Philip Chu...
UKOccupationOrderKB in DataLex
UK Occupation Order /* * UK Occupation Order Bot modified from system built by Aoife Moore * See * * ...
CopyrightKB in DataLex
Copyright consultation THING the type of article under consideration THING the corresponding design THING the place where the industrial application happen...
SimpleWillGeneratorKB in DataLex
Simple Will Generator /* * Codebase: Simple Will Generator * Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray and Graham Greenleaf * Publisher: Australasian Legal ...
CommunityGamingRegKB in DataLex
Community Gaming Regulation 2020 (NSW) /* * Knowledge base: Community Gaming Regulation 2020 (NSW) * Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray * Publisher: ...
HairdressersActKB in DataLex
Hairdressers Act 2003 (NSW) SECTION 1. Name of Act This Act is the Hairdressers Act 2003. 2. Commencement This Act commences on a day or days to be appoint...
ModernSlaveryActKB in DataLex
Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) // Codebase: Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) // Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray // Last updated: 23 August 2020 PERSONTHI...
ElectKB in DataLex
Constitution Act, s44 consultation /* * Codebase: Constitution Act, s44 consultation * Contributor: Andrew Mowbray * Contributor: Graham Greenleaf *...
ForeignRelationsActKB in DataLex
Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 (Cth) // Codebase: Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrange...
MandatoryBargainingCodeKB in DataLex
News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code // Codebase: News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code // Author/Contributor:...
NSWGamingRegKB in DataLex
Community Gaming Regulation 2020 (NSW) /* * Rule base: Community Gaming Regulation 2020 (NSW) * Author/Contributor: Andrew Mowbray * Publisher: Austr...
RuleBasedInferencingII in DataLex
3. Rule based inferencing (II): Descriptors, keywords and expressions Rules in knowledge bases consist of keywords and descriptors. Keywords are used to join toge...
PrivacyAct2KB in DataLex
Privacy Act 1988 procedures consultation /* * Knowledge base: Privacy Act 1988 procedures consultation * Author/Contributor: Graham Greenleaf * Publ...
PrivacyAct3KB in DataLex
INCLUDE DEFAULT ACT Privacy Act 1988 GOAL RULE Privacy Act 1988 Section 52(1) Making Determinations PR...
SoftwareLogic in DataLex
DataLex inferencing software logic and assumptions Key logic and assumptions of the DataLex inferencing software include: * Inferencing proceeds by both backwa...
WillGeneratorKB in DataLex
Simple Will Generator DATE the date of execution of the Will DATE the date of the old Will INTEGER the maximum number of months within which the wedding mu...
PLTX2040ReadingGuide in DataLex
Graduate Diploma in Legal Professional Practice (GDLPP) PLTX2040 Practicum (Technology and Innovation) Readings on AI and on ‘AI Law’ Graham Greenleaf Phi...
QldNationalLawKB in DataLex
National Law (Qld) THING the National Board PERSON the subject RULE National Law (Qld) Section 156 PROVIDES the National Board may take immediate action ON...
ExampleLoops in DataLex
Example using loops INTEGER beneficiary count INTEGER the number of beneficiary PERSON the sole beneficiary PERSON the sole executor GOAL DOCUMENT Distribu...
ZACitizensActKB in DataLex
South African Citizenship Act 1995 PERSON the person in question RULE South African Citizenship Act 1995 PROVIDES the person in question is a South African...
StandardInclusions in DataLex
Standard_inclusionsKB /* Non standard verbs*/ b~ear~ears~ore se~nd~nds~nt t~ell~ells~old s~ell~ells~old g~ive~ives~ave t~ake~akes~ook ma~ke~kes~de c~ome~omes~am...
DataLexLegalKnowledgeBaseSystems in DataLex
1. DataLex legal knowledge base systems 1.1 Components of AustLII’s DataLex legal knowledge base systems AustLII’s DataLex inferencing software allows the develo...
RuleBasedInferencingI in DataLex
2. Rule based inferencing (I): Knowledge bases and rules 2.1 Introduction The DataLex inferencing software is an Internet based expert system shell for the devel...
DocumentAssemblyUsingDataLex in DataLex
6. Document assembly using DataLex DataLex also includes an automated document generation (or 'assembly') component. This aspect is not yet developed fully. The f...
DataLexUserInterfaceManual in DataLex
8. DataLex user interface manual 8.1 Relationship to the previous chapters Most user interface features are affected by choices by the developer in how the knowl...
DataLexDeveloperSManual in DataLex
AustLII's DataLex Developer's Manual AustLII's DataLex Developer's Manual Andrew Mowbray, Graham Greenleaf and Philip Chung Australasian Legal Information Ins...
CaseBasedInferencingUsingDataLex in DataLex
7. Case based (example based) inferencing using DataLex 7.1 Example based reasoning – overview In addition to rule based inferencing, DataLex also supports one v...
DataLexKBTemplate in DataLex
GoalForwardKB in DataLex
Goal Forward (forward chaining only) Consultations FORWARD RULE 1 PROVIDES IF E is correct AND F is correct THEN A is correct FORWARD ...
GoalBackwardKB in DataLex
Goal Backward (backward chaining only) knowledgebase BACKWARD RULE 1 PROVIDES IF E is correct AND F is correct THEN A is correct BACKWARD RULE 2 P...
FinderKB in DataLex
Finder's Cases PERSON the finder PERSON the non finder GOAL RULE the finder wins PROVIDES DETERMINE the finder wins RULE trespasser rule PROVIDES IF the fi...
PrivacyKB in DataLex
Privacy consultation VERBS act~~s~ed~ing agree~~s~d~ing appl~y~ies~ied~ying believ~e~es~ed~ing breach~~es~ed~ing carr~y~ies~ied~ying ceas~e~es~ed~ing colle...
RuleBasedInferencingIII in DataLex
4. Rule based inferencing (III): Rule types, statements and evaluation order Rule types and statements control the order in which the evaluation of rules, and att...
IntegrationOfDataLexKBWithLIIs in DataLex
5. Integration of DataLex knowledge bases with AustLII and other LIIs 5.1 Overview Integration of DataLex knowledge bases with their sources DataLex has five p...
PrivacyAct1KB in DataLex
This knowledge base, and other linked knowledge bases, are by Graham Greenleaf. INCLUDE Privacy ...
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