50 recent changes in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide Web retrieved at 09:12 (AEDT)

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System in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% * TableOfContents The court process is overwhelming. The purpose of this guide is to break the JP Traffic Court down to...
Glossary in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
8. Glossary AOD clinician: Alcohol and Other Drug Clinician. See Part 5 of this Guide. Category 1 offences: Offences are categorised according to section 6 o...
Complaints in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
7. Complaints Complaints are separate from appeals. Appeals are for when you want to challenge the result of the hearing. This section outlines if you have a co...
Appeals in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
6. Appeals If you are unsatisfied with the result of your case, you can appeal the decision. Every defendant in a criminal trial gets the right to appeal their ...
AlternativeResolutionSchemes in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
5. Alternative Resolution Schemes Overview and purposes of alternative resolution schemes The purposes of alternative resolution schemes are to prevent re offen...
TheJPTrafficCourtProcess in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
4. The JP Traffic Court Process A. Explanation of the courtroom Two Justices of the Peace hear traffic offences in the District Court on a Judge alone trial. T...
HowDoIChallengeAnInfringementNotice in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
3. How do I challenge an infringement notice? An infringement notice outlines that a parking warden, a police officer or another enforcement officer designated un...
HowDoesAMatterGetToJPTrafficCourt in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
2. How does a matter get to a JP Traffic Court? As discussed in Part 1, in the Traffic Court, JPs hear either: * Police category 1 offences; or * infring...
Introduction in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
1. Introduction The purpose of this guide is to offer step by step advice for individuals navigating the Justice of the Peace (“JP”) Traffic Court. It aims to pro...
TableOfContents in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
The New Zealand JP Traffic Court Guide Welcome to the New Zealand JP Traffic Court Guidebook A guidebook for participants in the JP Traffic Court. More informat...
AttributionForm in NZJPTrafficCourtGuide
Attribution Form This is a maintenance topic, used by the Wiki administrator. Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes AustLII _Cont...
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NZJPTrafficCourtGuide Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on ...
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