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50 recent changes in ACTLawHbk Web retrieved at 10:49 (AEDT)

InternationalAgreements in ACTLawHbk
International agreements , and International pension agreements allow residents who move from or to Australia from one of these countries to qualify for some pe...
Discrimination in ACTLawHbk
Discrimination , and . In addition to the general protections provided by the Fair Work Act, there is also Federal and territory legislation protecting individual...
BullyingAtWork in ACTLawHbk
Bullying at Work , and . Under the Fair Work Act, a worker is bullied at work if they are subject to repeated unreasonable action which creates a risk to health ...
TerritoryAndCommonwealthLegislation in ACTLawHbk
Territory and Commonwealth Legislation , and . In addition to the Fair Work Act, the Federal Government, along with its state and territory counterparts, has ena...
TypesOfWorkers in ACTLawHbk
Types of Workers , and . Before discussing rights and obligations of employees, it is necessary to determine whether or not a worker is an employee, and what typ...
EmploymentIntroduction in ACTLawHbk
Introduction , and This section provides information about employment law as it operates in the Australian Capital Territory. It covers: * Types of workers; ...
SuperannuationAndEmployment in ACTLawHbk
Superannuation , and . Superannuation is often thought of as one of the key benefits enjoyed by Australian employees. However, the source of the employee’s right ...
EmploymentRecords in ACTLawHbk
Employment Records , and . Under the Fair Work Act and Fair Work Regulations 2009 (see part 3 6 of the regulations) an employer must give the employee a payslip ...
WorkHealthAndSafety in ACTLawHbk
Work Health and Safety , and . Statutory Work Health and Safety Obligations In the ACT, employers must ensure their compliance with the Work Health and Safety A...
GeneralProtectionsPart31FairWorkAct in ACTLawHbk
General Protections (Part 3 1 Fair Work Act) , and . Introduction General protections safeguard the rights of employees, employers and (in certain circumstances...
TerminationOfEmployment in ACTLawHbk
Termination of employment , and . There are a number of ways that employment can be terminated. The most common ways are by resignation and dismissal. The Fair W...
EmploymentContractsAndPolicies in ACTLawHbk
Employment Contracts and Policies , and . All employees have a contract of employment. The contract can be written or oral (or partly written and partly oral), h...
EnterpriseAgreements in ACTLawHbk
Enterprise Agreements , and . Enterprise Agreements are instruments which specify matters relating to the relationship between an employer and employee. In effec...
ModernAwards in ACTLawHbk
Modern Awards , and . Fair Work Act and Modern Awards Under the Fair Work Act, modern awards provide part of the national safety net of employment terms and con...
Pawnbrokers in ACTLawHbk
Pawnbrokers and In the ACT Pawnbrokers are regulated by the Pawnbrokers Act 1902 (ACT) (“Pawnbrokers Act”). A pawnbroker is defined under the Pawnbrokers Act as...
MedicalAndOtherTreatment in ACTLawHbk
Medical and Other Treatment Medical Treatment VEA The Commission may provide medical and other treatment for eligible veterans under Part V VEA. A veteran of a...
GuardianshipandManagementofProperty in ACTLawHbk
Guardianship and Management of Property This section is discussed in Guardianship and Financial Management section of the Older People and the Law Chapter (see Gu...
SocialSecurityMoreInformation in ACTLawHbk
More information , and Publications The Guide to Social Security Law published by Centrelink (which sets out the rules it follows in administering all income s...
SocialSecurityAppealsProcess in ACTLawHbk
Social security appeals process , and Introduction If a person is affected by a Centrelink decision, they have the right to appeal that decision. If a person i...
CompensationAndDamagesPayments in ACTLawHbk
Compensation and damages payments , and Section 17 and part 3.14 Compensation payments are treated differently under social security law. Section 17(2) (SSA) d...
ConcessionCards in ACTLawHbk
Concession cards , and Health Care Card The Health Care Card is automatically issued to people receiving a social security allowance or benefit, to those recei...
Bonuses in ACTLawHbk
Bonuses , and Baby Bonus The Baby Bonus has been replaced with the Newborn Supplement and Newborn Upfront Payment. Newborn Supplement and Newborn Upfront Payme...
AllowancesAndPayments in ACTLawHbk
Allowances and payments , and Austudy Eligibility (ss 7, 568) To be eligible for Austudy, a person must satisfy an activity test, be at least 25 (unless recei...
Pensions in ACTLawHbk
Pensions , and Age Pension Eligibility (ss 7, 23, 43) To be eligible for the Age Pension, a person must have reached pension age according to gender and date o...
IntroductionAndKeyLegislation in ACTLawHbk
Social Security introduction and key legislation , and NOTE: Rates of pensions and allowances change regularly. Always check current rates with Centrelink. On...
Portability in ACTLawHbk
Portability , and Sections 1211–1221 A pension or allowance may be portable if the person was receiving a payment immediately before they left Australia, or if ...
ContactsandLinks in ACTLawHbk
Contacts and Links and Canberra Community Law (formerly Welfare Rights and Legal Centre)Telephone advice service: 6218 7977Website:
TheAppealsProcess in ACTLawHbk
The Appeals Process , and Administrative Review Most administrative decisions of Housing ACT may be appealed. Reviewable decisions (see clause 30 of the Progra...
DuringtheTenancy in ACTLawHbk
During the Tenancy , and Standard Terms A Housing ACT tenancy is subject to the same Standard Terms of the RTA as all ACT tenancies. These terms regulate the r...
ApplyingforHousingACT in ACTLawHbk
Applying for Housing , and A standard Registration form is used for all applications for housing assistance, including transfer applications. Housing ACT has pr...
ApplicationoftheLaw in ACTLawHbk
The application of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 and the Housing Assistance Public Rental Housing Assistance Program 2013 , and The Residential Tenancies A...
IntroductiontoPublicHousingACT in ACTLawHbk
Introduction , and The history of public housing in the ACT is markedly different from that elsewhere in Australia in that public housing was a fundamental part ...
ImpactsandEffects in ACTLawHbk
Impacts and effects and The impacts and effects of sexual assault can be broad ranging, and will depend on a range of factors, including the age of the person a...
SexualOffencesContactsAndResources in ACTLawHbk
Contacts and Resources and Canberra Rape Crisis Centre (CRCC) Our Crisis Line: (02) 6247 2525 (7.00am 11.00pm, 7 days a week)Business Line: (02) 6287 3618 (9.0...
BeyondSexualAssault in ACTLawHbk
Looking Forward and People can, and have, managed to rebuild their lives after sexual assault and abuse. Here at the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre, we have suppor...
SexualAssaultWithinParticularGroupsandCommunities in ACTLawHbk
Sexual assault within particular groups and communities and This section takes into account special considerations regarding sexual assault faced by those in di...
MythsAboutSexualAssault in ACTLawHbk
Myths about sexual assault and Because rape is such an inhuman experience, some people like to pretend it doesn’t occur in our community. Some people may think ...
WhatDoestheLawSayAboutSexualOffences in ACTLawHbk
What does the law say about sexual offences? and Sexual Assault Sexual assault is a crime in all jurisdictions throughout Australia. People who engage sexually...
MedicalandForensicFollowUp in ACTLawHbk
Medical / forensic follow up and Getting Medical Attention Following a sexual assault, the most important thing is safety, followed by medical attention when...
ImmediateNeedsAfterSexualAssault in ACTLawHbk
Immediate needs after sexual assault and Safety The first priority after a sexual assault is safety. In an emergency you or another person can contact police t...
SexualAssaultHappens in ACTLawHbk
Introduction and Sexual assault is an abuse of power and a crime. It does not discriminate, unfortunately anyone can be a victim of sexual assault: women, child...
Homelessness in ACTLawHbk
Anusha Goonetillieke and assistance from Liam Meagher. Last updated 14 November 2017. Anusha Goonetillieke with acknowledgement to Liam Meagher for his assistance...
RetirementVillages in ACTLawHbk
Retirement villages and In the later years of life, people may be required to find alternative accommodation which provides them with higher levels of care than...
ElderAbuse in ACTLawHbk
Elder Abuse and Elder abuse, as described by the World Health Organisation, is ‘a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any r...
GuardianshipandFinancialManagement in ACTLawHbk
Guardianship/Financial Management and If a person has not appointed an Attorney, the Attorney is acting improperly, or there is a dispute amongst appointed Atto...
EnduringPowersOfAttorney in ACTLawHbk
Enduring Powers of Attorney and An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document by which a person (the Principal) appoints another person or people (the Attor...
AttorneySObligations in ACTLawHbk
Attorney's Obligations and An Attorney should read the Enduring Power of Attorney document in full and understand the obligations of an Attorney. There can be s...
OlderPeopleContactsAndResources in ACTLawHbk
Contacts and Resources and Enduring Powers of Attorney * ACT Law Society: * Access Canberra: https://www.accesscanberra...
IntroductiontoOlderPeopleandtheLaw in ACTLawHbk
Introduction and Our legal needs change over the course of our lives. Elder law is an area of legal practice that focuses on issues that affect the ageing popul...
PermanentEntryVisaEconomicMigration in ACTLawHbk
Permanent entry visa: economic migration , and Independent and sponsored skilled migrants The migration law states that to enter, an independent migrant must b...
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