50 recent changes in ACTLawHbk Web retrieved at 14:46 (AEDT)
in ACTLawHbk
Entry by Migrants , and Three types of permanent entry visas Australia’s immigration policy is stated to be selective but non discriminatory in terms of race, ...
in ACTLawHbk
Changing status , and Introduction Visitors and temporary residents in Australia may apply for change of status to another temporary class or a permanent class...
in ACTLawHbk
Temporary residence , and Eligibility Temporary residence is the entry for specified short or long term periods to engage in employment or other pursuits in A...
in ACTLawHbk
Contacts and Resources and Consumer Law Centre of the ACT Tel: (02) 6143 0044Monday to Friday 9am 5pmWednesday after hours drop in service 5.30pm 7.30pmhttp...
in ACTLawHbk
Guarantees and A guarantee is a binding agreement involving the credit provider, the debtor and the guarantor. A guarantor is a person who agrees to make credit...
in ACTLawHbk
Mortgages and Section 204 of the NCC defines a mortgage as including (among other things) any interest in, or power over, property securing obligations of a deb...
in ACTLawHbk
Disputes and Credit licensees must have a dispute resolution system that consists of: * internal dispute resolution (IDR) procedures that meet the standards ...
in ACTLawHbk
Protections at the point of enforcement and Enforcement The credit law sets out a process that must be followed before a debt can be enforced. Under s 88 of th...
in ACTLawHbk
The credit contract and The credit contract itself must be in writing, signed by the credit provider and either signed by the debtor or shown to be accepted thr...
in ACTLawHbk
Who is regulated? and From 1 July 2010 any person engaging in a “credit activity” will need to have an Australian Credit License (“ACL”), unless they are exemp...
in ACTLawHbk
Credit not covered by the NCC and The Credit Law does not apply to the following types of arrangements: * Business loans or loans mainly for business purpos...
in ACTLawHbk
Credit contracts regulated by the NCC and The credit law applies to a variety of consumer credit products, including: * Credit contracts (a contract under wh...
in ACTLawHbk
National Credit Laws and A national legislative framework governing the provision of consumer credit commenced on 1 July 2010. It comprises the National Consume...
in ACTLawHbk
%TOC Contacts and Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) Level 8, 14 Moore Street, Canberra ACT 2601Phone: 02 62434600 Post: GPO Box 9955Canberra ACT 2601 Can...
in ACTLawHbk
ACTLawHbk Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set t...
in ACTLawHbk
WebBottomBar Default WebBottomBar component. Please do not modify. Use .WebBottomBar instead. %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then=' %FORMATLIST{ "%FLEXWEBL...
in ACTLawHbk
WebMenu Definition of site wide horizontal menu Implementation %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then="$percntINCLUDE{\".SiteMenu\" section=\"admin...
in ACTLawHbk
Further resources and Blackshield, Anthony et al, Australian Constitutional Law and Theory: Commentary and Materials (Federation Press, 6th ed, 2014) Cane, Pete...
in ACTLawHbk
Legal Aid funding and FOI and Can I get advice about an FOI request? Legal Aid ACT will give free information and duty advice regarding freedom of information ...
in ACTLawHbk
Going to Court and What does this section cover? This section covers court proceedings and procedures in the Family Courts and provides advice for self represe...
in ACTLawHbk
Who may be removed? Unlawful non citizens are subject to automatic removal from Australia under the Migration Act. All persons without Australian citizenship who ...
in ACTLawHbk
Introduction Our legal needs change over the course of our lives. Elder law is an area of legal practice that focuses on issues that affect the ageing population....
in ACTLawHbk
Introduction Our legal needs change over the course of our lives. Elder law is an area of legal practice that focuses on issues that affect the ageing population....
in ACTLawHbk
Elder Abuse Law in the ACT There are no specific laws dealing with elder abuse in the ACT. There are some Federal laws which address elder abuse. For example, und...
in ACTLawHbk
Prevention Elder Abuse can be prevented by: * seeking legal advice from qualified lawyers when doing Enduring Powers of Attorney (who can assist people to appo...
in ACTLawHbk
Who is at risk Elderly who may identify with any or a combination of the following risk factors may be at risk of Elder Abuse, please note that this list is not e...
in ACTLawHbk
Types of abuse and signs of abuse Elder abuse can take various forms, such as physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse and ...
in ACTLawHbk
Guardianship and Management of Property If a person has not appointed an Attorney, the Attorney is acting improperly, or there is a dispute amongst appointed Atto...
in ACTLawHbk
Introduction Our legal needs change over the course of our lives. Elder law is an area of legal practice that focuses on issues that affect the ageing population....
in ACTLawHbk
Different Areas of the Law Australian law can be private (concerning private individuals) and public (concerning our society as a whole) (See, What is Australian ...
in ACTLawHbk
What is the role of the Courts in making and enforcing the law? Judge made law The Courts make and enforce the law every time they hear a case and are required t...
in ACTLawHbk
What is the role of the government in making and enforcing the law? All levels of government in Australia have a role in making and enforcing the law. Making the...
in ACTLawHbk
Content to be provided by Karen Toohey.
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